Recently, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, was featured on CBS News for their outstanding measures put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 when their students arrive back on campus.

Highlighted in the video are Integrated Systems Temperature Reading Cameras. The cameras help organizations and businesses meet the new safety measures and reporting guidelines put in place by automatically storing a record of each individual and their temperature that was scanned. Because these cameras can quickly scan multiple faces at once and has an audible alert when either no mask or a raised temperature is detected it makes them highly suitable for college and school settings because of the large number of individuals entering their buildings. Additionally, this solution helps protect staff, through non-contact body temperature measurement, which is far safer than the exposure created by handheld instruments.

Often, these cameras are positioned at doorways allowing it to quickly scan skin-surface temperatures when a person walks into the camera frame. The temperature is then immediately displayed on the screen, putting you in control to allow or deny entry.

Other customers who are using our Temperature Reading Cameras have a reported “99% accuracy when deployed properly”, says Matthew Hegarty from Fairport Municipal Commission. The camera was deployed at their buildings front door where they have a high number of employees and visitors entering. Hegarty reported that the solution “…not only met but exceeded their standards”.

If you would like to learn more about our Temperature Reading Cameras, visit our site here.